Friday, September 2, 2011

WOW!  It has been quite a long time since my last post.

Amazed at how God has moved and is moving in our lives.  I am so blessed.

Mason is now in 8th Grade@ Mitchell Road Presbyterian.
Samuel has started at Camperdown Academy, a school specific for dyslexics, and is THRIVING.
Mary Ashton is back @ Buena Vista and couldn't be happier.

The Question:  How to embrace each moment of this life and continue to bring up the children God has given me to become what they are intended to be?

We are currently working on money management with them - letting them understand how quickly money can become a IDOL and how not to allow that by checking your spirit on how you manage that which God has given you.  This is a lesson I am continuing to unwrap each day.  We are back on Dave Ramsey and loving it.  The borrower is slave to the lender.  I don't want to be a borrower or lender - but a giver.  Guess what, you can't do that when you are shackled to stuff and debt is your yoke.   FREEDOM is what I long for - in all areas of my life.  I can't wait to be able to say "WE'RE DEBT FREE" - House and all!!  I know that walking in the grass will feel different.

Amazingly enough, we were just given an enormous gift - one that will truly is MANNA from Heaven.  Now to be a good steward of that gift and allow our decisions to bless us and not to use for "earthly" comforts - when our goal is FREEDOM.

God is moving, God is moving, and I am LOOKING UP!